
Solution structure of the C-terminally encoded peptide of the model plant host Medicago truncatula - CEP1
Bobay, B.G., DiGennaro, P., McK. Bird, D.
C-terminally encoded peptide of the model plant host Medicago truncatula - CEP1
1. C-terminally encoded peptide of the model plant host Medicago truncatula - CEP1 (polymer), 15 monomers, 1498.552 Da Detail


Formula weight
1498.552 Da
Source organism
Medicago truncatula
Exptl. method
solution NMR
Refine. method
simulated annealing
Data set
Chem. Shift Complete
Sequence coverage: 86.7 %, Completeness: 73.6 %, Completeness (bb): 68.4 % Detail

Polymer type: polypeptide(L)

All73.6 % (95 of 129)90.8 % (59 of 65)44.0 % (22 of 50)100.0 % (14 of 14)
Backbone68.4 % (52 of 76)92.9 % (26 of 28)38.9 % (14 of 36)100.0 % (12 of 12)
Sidechain76.2 % (48 of 63)89.2 % (33 of 37)54.2 % (13 of 24)100.0 % (2 of 2)
Aromatic71.4 % (10 of 14)71.4 % (5 of 7)71.4 % (5 of 7)
Methyl60.0 % (6 of 10)80.0 % (4 of 5)40.0 % (2 of 5)

1. entity



Solvent system 90% H2O/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 7.0, Details Peptides (4 mg/ml) were dissolved in 90% H2O, 10% D2O (v/v). DSS (4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentane-1-sulfonic acid) was used as an internal standard

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
1entitynatural abundance4 mg/mL
2DSSnatural abundance10 uM
3H2Onatural abundance90 %
4D20natural abundance10 %

Protein Blocks Logo
Calculated from 10 models in PDB: 2MFO, Strand ID: A Detail

Release date
Solution NMR studies of the plant peptide hormone CEP inform function
Bobay, B.G., DiGennaro, P., Scholl, E., Imin, N., Djordjevic, M.A., McK. Bird, D.
FEBS Lett. (2013), 587, 3979-3985, PubMed 24211833 , DOI 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.10.033 ,
Entries sharing articles BMRB: 1 entries Detail
  BMRB: 19555 released on 2013-12-08
    Title Solution structure of the C-terminally encoded peptide of the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne hapla - CEP11
Related entities 1. C-terminally encoded peptide of the model plant host Medicago truncatula - CEP1, : 1 : 23 entities Detail
Experiments performed 4 experiments Detail
NMR combined restraints 3 contents Detail
Keywords CEP, CLE, Medicago, peptide, root-knot nematode