Backbone-modified variant of zinc finger 2 from the transcription factor Sp1 DNA binding domain: Aib in the metal-binding turn
ID | Type | Value order | Atom ID 1 | Atom ID 2 |
1 | na | sing | 1:CYS5:SG | 2:ZN1:ZN |
2 | na | sing | 1:CYS10:SG | 2:ZN1:ZN |
3 | na | sing | 1:HIS23:NE2 | 2:ZN1:ZN |
4 | na | sing | 1:HIS27:NE2 | 2:ZN1:ZN |
Polymer type: polypeptide(L)
Total | 1H | |
All | 95.8 % (182 of 190) | 95.8 % (182 of 190) |
Backbone | 96.7 % (58 of 60) | 96.7 % (58 of 60) |
Sidechain | 95.4 % (124 of 130) | 95.4 % (124 of 130) |
Aromatic | 95.0 % (19 of 20) | 95.0 % (19 of 20) |
Methyl | 100.0 % (6 of 6) | 100.0 % (6 of 6) |
1. entity 1
RPFXCTWXGC GKRFTRSDEL QRHKRTHTGE KXSolvent system 90% H2O/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 298 K, pH 6, Details 1.5 mM zinc finger 2 from transcription factor Sp1 DNA-binding domain, Aib turn variant, 10 mM [U-2H] TRIS, 0.05 mM DSS, 1.8 mM zinc chloride, 90% H2O/10% D2O
# | Name | Isotope labeling | Type | Concentration |
1 | entity_1 | natural abundance | 1.5 mM | |
2 | TRIS | [U-2H] | 10 mM | |
3 | DSS | natural abundance | 0.05 mM | |
4 | zinc chloride | natural abundance | 1.8 mM |