NMR ensemble of ion-selective ligand A1 for platelet integrin alphaIIb-beta3
ID | Type | Value order | Atom ID 1 | Atom ID 2 |
1 | disulfide | sing | 1:CYS2:SG | 1:CYS12:SG |
Polymer type: polypeptide(L)
Total | 1H | 13C | |
All | 71.6 % (78 of 109) | 91.9 % (57 of 62) | 44.7 % (21 of 47) |
Backbone | 80.0 % (44 of 55) | 100.0 % (23 of 23) | 65.6 % (21 of 32) |
Sidechain | 68.8 % (44 of 64) | 87.2 % (34 of 39) | 40.0 % (10 of 25) |
Aromatic | 0.0 % (0 of 8) | 0.0 % (0 of 4) | 0.0 % (0 of 4) |
Methyl | 41.7 % (5 of 12) | 83.3 % (5 of 6) | 0.0 % (0 of 6) |
1. A1
XCRVVRGDYL DCXPressure 1 atm, Temperature 278 (±0.3) K, pH 6.5 (±0.15)
# | Name | Isotope labeling | Type | Concentration |
1 | A1 | 3 mg/mL |