Structure of cyclic conotoxin MII-7
ID | Type | Value order | Atom ID 1 | Atom ID 2 |
1 | disulfide | sing | 1:CYS2:SG | 1:CYS8:SG |
2 | disulfide | sing | 1:CYS3:SG | 1:CYS16:SG |
Polymer type: polypeptide(L)
Total | 1H | |
All | 97.1 % (101 of 104) | 97.1 % (101 of 104) |
Backbone | 100.0 % (50 of 50) | 100.0 % (50 of 50) |
Sidechain | 94.4 % (51 of 54) | 94.4 % (51 of 54) |
Aromatic | 100.0 % (4 of 4) | 100.0 % (4 of 4) |
Methyl | 100.0 % (9 of 9) | 100.0 % (9 of 9) |
1. Alpha-conotoxin MII
GCCSNPVCHL EHSNLCGAGG AAGPressure 1 atm, Temperature 298 K, pH 3.5
# | Name | Isotope labeling | Type | Concentration |
1 | Alpha-conotoxin MII | 1 mM | ||
2 | H2O | 90 % | ||
3 | D2O | 10 % |