
NMR Structure of the Self-Complementary 10 mer DNA Oligonucleotide 5'-GGATATATCC-3'.
Rettig, M., Germann, M.W., Wilson, W., Wang, S.
Self-Complementary 10 mer DNA Oligonucleotide 5'-GGATATATCC-3'
1. Self-Complementary 10 mer DNA Oligonucleotide 5'-GGATATATCC-3' (polymer, Thiol state: not present), 10 monomers, 3106.988 × 2 Da Detail


Total weight
6213.976 Da
Max. entity weight
3106.988 Da
Exptl. method
solution NMR
Data set
Chem. Shift Complete
Sequence coverage: 100.0 %, Completeness: 90.7 %, Completeness (bb): 87.1 % Detail

Polymer type: polydeoxyribonucleotide

All90.7 % (88 of 97)90.7 % (88 of 97)
Suger, PO487.1 % (61 of 70)87.1 % (61 of 70)
Nucleobase100.0 % (27 of 27)100.0 % (27 of 27)
Aromatic100.0 % (20 of 20)100.0 % (20 of 20)
Methyl100.0 % (3 of 3)100.0 % (3 of 3)

1. DNA (5'-D(*GP*GP*AP*TP*AP*TP*AP*TP*CP*C)-3')


Sample #1

Solvent system 100% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 278 K, pH 7

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
1GGATATATCCnatural abundance0.9 mM
Sample #2

Solvent system 90% H2O/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 278 K, pH 7

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
2GGATATATCCnatural abundance0.9 mM
Sample #3

Solvent system 100% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 278 K, pH 7

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
3GGATATATCCnatural abundance1.2 mM
4Pf1 phagenatural abundance11 mg/mL

Release date
Molecular basis for sequence-dependent induced DNA bending
Rettig, M., Germann, M.W., Wang, S., Wilson, W.
Chembiochem. (2013), 14, 323-331, PubMed 23355266 , DOI 10.1002/cbic.201200706 ,
Entries sharing articles BMRB: 1 entries Detail
  BMRB: 18626 released on 2013-01-21
    Title NMR Structure of the Self-Complementary 10 mer DNA Duplex 5'-GGATATATCC-3' in Complex with Netropsin
Experiments performed 6 experiments Detail
NMR combined restraints 4 contents Detail
Keywords ATATAT, DNA microstructure, DNA minor groove variations, Induced DNA binding, NMR structure