
NMR solution structure of PawS Derived Peptide 5 (PDP-5)
Elliott, A.G., Mylne, J.S., Rosengren, J.K.
PawS Derived Peptide 5 (PDP-5)
1. PawS Derived Peptide 5 (PDP-5) (polymer), 18 monomers, 2258.671 Da Detail


Formula weight
2258.671 Da
Source organism
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra
Exptl. method
solution NMR
Refine. method
simulated annealing, Torsion-Angle dynamics
Data set
Chem. Shift Complete
Sequence coverage: 100.0 %, Completeness: 79.9 %, Completeness (bb): 77.5 % Detail

Polymer type: polypeptide(L)

All79.9 % (163 of 204)100.0 % (118 of 118)52.3 % (45 of 86)
Backbone77.5 % (69 of 89)100.0 % (37 of 37)61.5 % (32 of 52)
Sidechain82.4 % (108 of 131)100.0 % (81 of 81)54.0 % (27 of 50)
Aromatic50.0 % (17 of 34)100.0 % (17 of 17) 0.0 % (0 of 17)
Methyl100.0 % (6 of 6)100.0 % (3 of 3)100.0 % (3 of 3)

1. PDP-5


Sample #1

Solvent system 20 mM Sodium phosphate/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 298 K, pH 6.1

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
1PDP-5natural abundance2 mg/mL
2Sodium phosphatenatural abundance20 mM
3D2Onatural abundance10 %
Sample #2

Solvent system 90% D2O / 10% DMSO, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 298 K, pH 6.1

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
4PDP-5natural abundance2 mg/mL
5DMSOnatural abundance10 %
6D2Onatural abundance90 %

Protein Blocks Logo
Calculated from 20 models in PDB: 2LWT, Strand ID: A Detail

Release date
Evolutionary origins of a bioactive peptide buried within Preproalbumin
Elliott, A.G., Delay, C., Liu, H., Phua, Z., Rosengren, K., Benfield, A.H., Panero, J.L., Colgrave, M.L., Jayasena, A.S., Dunse, K.M., Anderson, M.A., Schilling, E.E., Ortiz-Barrientos, D., Craik, D.J., Mylne, J.S.
Plant Cell (2014), 26, 981-995, PubMed 24681618 , DOI 10.1105/tpc.114.123620 ,
Entries sharing articles BMRB: 3 entries Detail
  BMRB: 18641 released on 2013-08-14
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  BMRB: 18643 released on 2013-08-14
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  BMRB: 18645 released on 2013-08-14
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Related entities 1. PawS Derived Peptide 5 (PDP-5), : 1 entities Detail
Experiments performed 7 experiments Detail
nullKeywords cyclic peptide, PawS derived, plant peptide