
NMR structure of Neuromedin C in presence of SDS micelles
Adrover, M., Sanchis, P., Vilanova, B., Pauwels, K., Martorell, G., Perez, J.
Neuromedin C in presence of SDS micelles
1. Neuromedin C in presence of SDS micelles (polymer, Thiol state: not present), 11 monomers, 1119.278 Da Detail


Formula weight
1119.278 Da
Source organism
Homo sapiens
Exptl. method
solution NMR
Refine. method
distance geometry
Data set
assigned_chemical_shifts, heteronucl_NOEs, heteronucl_T1_relaxation, heteronucl_T2_relaxation
Chem. Shift Complete
Sequence coverage: 90.9 %, Completeness: 89.3 %, Completeness (bb): 80.0 % Detail

Polymer type: polypeptide(L)

All89.3 % (100 of 112)98.2 % (55 of 56)77.3 % (34 of 44)91.7 % (11 of 12)
Backbone80.0 % (48 of 60)95.5 % (21 of 22)64.3 % (18 of 28)90.0 % (9 of 10)
Sidechain100.0 % (60 of 60)100.0 % (34 of 34)100.0 % (24 of 24)100.0 % (2 of 2)
Aromatic100.0 % (20 of 20)100.0 % (10 of 10)100.0 % (9 of 9)100.0 % (1 of 1)
Methyl100.0 % (10 of 10)100.0 % (5 of 5)100.0 % (5 of 5)

1. Neuromedin C


Sample #1

Solvent system 90% H2O/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0, Details The sample was prepared in 10mM acetate buffer at pH 4.0 in presence of deuterated SDS micelles.

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
1entitynatural abundance5.0 (±0.1) mM
2sodium acetatenatural abundance10 (±0.1) mM
3DSSnatural abundance1.6 (±0.1) mM
4SDS[U-99% 2H]150 (±2.0) mM
5H2Onatural abundance90 %
6D2Onatural abundance10 %
Sample #2

Solvent system 90% H2O/10% D2O, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0, Details The sample was prepared in 10mM acetate buffer at pH 4.0 in presence of non-deuterated SDS micelles.

#NameIsotope labelingTypeConcentration
7entitynatural abundance5.0 (±0.1) mM
8sodium acetatenatural abundance10 (±0.1) mM
9DSSnatural abundance1.6 (±0.1) mM
10SDSnatural abundance50 (±0.5) mM
11H2Onatural abundance90 %
12D2Onatural abundance10 %

Protein Blocks Logo
Calculated from 20 models in PDB: 2N0H, Strand ID: A Detail

Heteronucl. T1
10 T1 values in 1 lists
Coherence Iz, Field strength (1H) 600 MHz, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0 Detail
Heteronucl. T2
10 T2 values in 1 lists
Coherence I(+,-), Field strength (1H) 600 MHz, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0 Detail
Heteronucl. NOE
10 NOE values in 1 lists
Value type peak height, Field strength (1H) 600 MHz, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0 Detail
Heteronucl. T1/T2
10 T1/T2 values in 1 lists
Field strength (1H) 600 MHz, Pressure 1 atm, Temperature 273 K, pH 4.0 Detail
Release date
Conformational ensembles of neuromedin C reveal a progressive coil-helix transition within a binding-induced folding mechanism
Adrover, M., Sanchis, P., Vilanova, B., Pauwels, K., Martorell, G., Perez, J.
RSC ADV (2015), 5, 83074-83088
Related entities 1. Neuromedin C in presence of SDS micelles, : 10 : 9 entities Detail
Experiments performed 9 experiments Detail
NMR combined restraints 3 contents Detail
Keywords Feeding regulation, Growth and differentiation of human tumors, Neuropeptide